Universe's Best Picks

custom orders ?

cosmic candys

small bag 2$

medium bag 4$

to shop call (210)488-1252

large bag 6$

Get ready to blast off with our cosmic treats!

Indulge in
our cosmic delights

Explore into other galaxies with our cosmic candys, MREs, and custom orders

How do we do it?

When we get a costumer, we immediately clean the freeze-drying trays from the previous freeze-dry after that we fill the trays with whatever our costumer ordered then we put the trays in the freeze-dryer and let it cool the vacuum chamber for 15 minuets and that puts the temperature at about 35 degrees Fahrenheit or 3 degrees Celsius after that we close the drain and turn on the vacuum pump and freezer for 2 hours than the temperature is at about -20 to -30 degrees Fahrenheit or -17 to27 degrees Celsius after that we turn on the heat still keeping the vacuum on we keep that on for5 hours that brings the temperature to about 135 degrees Fahrenheit or 132 degrees Celsius then we take it out and age them over night to make them airier and crunchier.